Internet Authoring

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Imagination has made technology

How technology would have been possible without imagination?

  Human mind has infinite capabilities and because of these capabilities Stone Age has turned into machine age. Our life is controlled by different kinds of technologies. You can say that our mind is a huge beast who is trapped inside a space like body and always eager to express itself with its imaginative feelings.  But an imagination needs a way to show its workings on the outside world. And then language is created so that mind can express itself directly. We have turned imagination into reality. 

Previously, human mind created things according to their needs, like whatever tools they needed, for harvesting, weaving, killings animals for food and many more. It was like converting mind thoughts into body actions. Now we are addicted to these machineries and still our mind is imagining more and more, and we are creating more and more new technologies.  Nobody knows when this mind will stop imagining, when we will feel that it’s enough now. 

In other words we can say that technology is using our mind to create new faces of realities.

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