As we know, Learning means acquiring knowledge, developing skills and collecting the information that can help in daily life. The learning depends mainly on effort and time spent in a particular field. There is lots of learning term but I will look on two terms “Deep” and “Surface” learning.
Deep Learning:
Deep learning is long term learning process and comes from understanding, previous knowledge and experience. Deep learning involves development, is self directed and lifelong. Deep learning provides understanding and application for life. Deep learning make student interested in the course content.A good example of this is the skill of driving a cycle. If you do cycling and peddle it without thinking about what you have to do. But think back how difficult it was when you started learning to peddle. You had to learn how to co-ordinate hands, feet, eyes and paddle and watch the road all at the same time. But once I have learnt to drive and it becomes easy.
Surface Learning:
Surface learning is often short term memorising. Surface learning does not promote understanding or long term retention of knowledge and information. In Surface learning learners treat the course as unrelated bits of knowledge, memorizes the facts, find difficulty in making sense of new ideas presented and feel undue pressure and worry about work. I believe that if I understood some materials it would also then be in long term memory. Sometime remembering things doesn’t make any sense. I don’t remembering things. I believe that memorisation is not a study technique. When I understand the concept it is easy to memorize and leads to long term retention and is much more valued by the students.
One of the things I have learned in my studies in GCD is the importance of paying close attention to learning and understanding. Sometime I memorize the things however I am well aware that this does not lead to long term retention and I used to do these things in exam if I had not studied it before. I wasn’t the deep learner, but I did have an attention to understand.We must learn how to learn, while responding to endlessly changing technologies and social, economic, and global condition. In future we need to take part in complex, meaningful projects that require sustained engagement and collaboration.
First let’s look at the definition of “deep” and “surface” learning. Deep learning has been found to be better in supporting flexible problem solving, reasoning skills, and generating accurate hypothesis and coherent explanations. It is based on the premise that children learn deeply when they create products that require understanding and application of knowledge. Deep learning improves lots of skills such as ability to solve complex problems, apply knowledge from one lesson to others. Deep learning has more significant impact on the student performance than any other variable, including student background and prior achievement. Students are most successful when they are taught how to learn as well as what to learn. Deep and surface learning are opposite end of the same axis. My actual learning experience as a student over the past one month’s confirms that I am deep learner. Although we may adopt different approaches in different situation. By using deep learning technique, I can earn high grades.
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